Meet Oran Parker - Producer & Host of Find the Good News podcast!

Oran Parker is the producer and host of the podcast Find the Good News—produced by Parker Brand Creative Services—a show focused on good people doing good works wherever he can find them. Oran visits with artists, educators, authors, civic and spiritual leaders, and everyday citizens that use their time, resources, and talents to bring hope and happiness to their corners of the world.
Oran has worked in the creative communications field for over two decades. During that time, he has insisted creativity is an actual force—not dissimilar from love—that can clearly be seen in the processes around us. He feels that these forces beckon us to consciously partake in the excellent work of bringing even more life, goodwill, mercy, and compassion into the world through small actions that can cascade into larger changes.

Taking his own advice, Oran decided to put his natural creative energy to work in the form of the Find the Good News podcast. Find the Good News is a creative work he hopes will encourage others to refine the signals they invite into their lives. Through the podcast, he aspires to help others connect with new allies, heal painful wounds, fertilize latent gifts, increase wisdom, understanding, resilience, and compassion, as well as encourage others to allow their inborn, natural human goodness to flourish.


"On August 1st, 1995, a sudden clarifying experience changed the course of my life," says Oran. "I had quickly fallen into a type of darkness that was consuming my young mind. It felt like death—today I would call it depression. This flash of understanding illuminated everything in an instant—my perspective on the nature of life and death that had suddenly changed."

"I have been on a twenty-five-year expedition inside myself in an attempt to understand what happened that August day," Oran explains. "As a seeker, I enthusiastically consumed different perspective, philosophies, and teachings in an attempt to gain a broader understanding. I've assimilated many of those philosophies and practices into my own life. I have drenched myself in the works of poets, scientists, sages, soldiers, leaders, activists, and aboriginal peoples—this continues today. Like many, I have experienced loss, grace, hardship, and blessings, and on the other side of these I have a way to accept them, live, survive, and sometimes thrive."


Oran offers a brother's ear to fellow seekers of good news in a world that can often seem at odds with our better nature. "Sometimes, all we need is a friend that is willing to be with us, to listen, and perhaps offer gentle, experiential guidance while we find our way," says Oran. "I've offered that as a kind of personal service in an unofficial capacity for a very long time. Through Find the Good News, I feel I can elevate the intention and the intensity of my relationships with others. Is it a gift? Perhaps so—if it is, I want to share it."
In his role as the owner and creative director of Parker Brand Creative Services—a boutique creative agency he operates with his wife in Southwest Louisiana—he continues to seek a healthy fusion between his professional skillset and personal gifts. The Find the Good News podcast is one of those marriages between the two, and it is Oran's humble attempt at doing a good work. “There’s a lot of news in the world,” says Oran. “I’m going to find the good."

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Millie (Friday, 19 June 2020 18:22)

    I would love to sit down with you to talk about teaching In our system now. Maybe we can talk Bethany into it also. �