Episode 103—The Phoenix and the Dragon—ft. Christine Arylo, author of Overwhelmed & Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered & Sustained in a Chaotic World

Christine agreed to visit with me on Find the Good News to discuss her new book, "Overwhelmed & Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered & Sustained in a Chaotic World." The new book is directly pointed at women who are facing the merry-go-round of pressures that often lead to system burnout.


What I found in reading this new work, and in my dynamic visit with Christine, was that the stresses of keeping all the floats balanced out, especially in the wildly chaotic times we've seen throughout 2020, has an equally corrosive effect on men as well.


Christine helped me realize some old, self-sacrificing habits I've fallen into and perpetuated throughout my adult life. By labeling these habits as "compassion," I have basically been giving myself permission to self destruct.


Christine's mission is to help beings develop healthier decisions and actions that can lead through the sticky chaos patterns that dominate us. I believe that applying even a portion of what Christine shares can help bring a richer, fuller life into fruition.



If you’re like most women, you’ve discovered that the tasks and pressures never end in our culture, a culture built for burnout. But there’s a way to stop stressing and start thriving — to wake up to the underlying systems and unsustainable ways of working and living that sap your strength, drain you dry, and fragment your focus. Feminine wisdom leader Christine Arylo is on your side, as she shines a light on the external forces and internal imprints that push you into overwhelm and self-sacrifice. She then shows you how to access your power to achieve what matters most, including receiving what you need and desire. You’ll learn to release the old approach to working, succeeding, and managing a full life, and embrace a new way that gives you clarity and courage to make choices in your day-to-day and overall life design that support and sustain you.



Christine Arylo is a feminine leadership advisor, transformational speaker and best selling author who leads retreats, workshops and programs around the world, working with women to make shift happen - in the lives they lead and work they do. She combines her 15 years of corporate MBA experience in marketing, strategy and leadership communications with her 15 years of spiritual study of the divine feminine, yogic and earth based wisdom traditions to guide women how to live and lead their lives, businesses and relationships the "feminine way," professionally successful, internally empowered, and personally sustainable and satisfying.


For more than a decade she has been a catalyst, mentor, and advisor for executives, emerging leaders, and visionary entrepreneurs at organizations such as Gap Inc., Salesforce, Genetech, and Google. Over 35,000 people have participated in and benefited from her personal transformational programs and workshops. She has appeared on CBS, NBC & FOX, blogs regularly for the Huffington Post and Thrive, and is the host of the Feminine Power Time podcast (www.FemininePowerTime.com)


Christine is also a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor specializing in Vitality and Stress. She is also the founder of the international Path of Self Love School (www.PathofSelfLove.org) which trains teachers, facilitators and coaches around the world how to teach girls and women how to create lives founded in self-compassion, self-trust and self-worth.


Fun fact, from 2012 to 2015 Christine and her partner Noah, decided to go for a life-long dream, sold their house and car, put their belongings in storage, and took a 3-year journey living and working from anywhere in the world. They now reside in Sonoma California Wine Country.

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-Brother Oran Parker

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